香港大學校友會會所餐廳位於中環核心地段,地點優越。 會所餐廳分為中菜廳及 DB Lounge 兩個部份,由專業團隊管理,用心為會員提供酒店級數的用餐體驗。
The HKUAA Clubhouse is located in a prime location of Central. The venue is divided into two sections: a Chinese restaurant and the DB Lounge. It is managed by a professional team dedicated to providing members with a dining experience on par with top-notch hotels.

中菜廳供應眾多優質的中式佳餚。由傳統手功菜、摩登中菜、以至家常小炒均一應俱存,無論是親友聚餐、慶祝饗宴、商務飯局以至筵席宴會,我們的中菜廳都能滿足會員的需求。 中菜廳分為大廳以及四間廂房。有關廂房的可容納人數及最低消費,歡迎與我們查詢。
The Chinese restaurant offers a wide selection of high-quality Chinese cuisine. From traditional Cantonese dishes to modern Chinese creations and even home-style classics, our Chinese restaurant can cater to members' needs, whether it's for family gatherings, celebratory banquets, business meetings, or special events. The Chinese restaurant consists of a main dining hall and four private rooms. For information on the seating capacity and minimum spending requirements for the private rooms, please feel free to inquire with us.
Chinese Restaurant Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday
Lunch: 12:00 PM to 03:00 PM (last order at 02:00 PM)
Dinner: 06:00 PM to 11:00 PM (last order at 10:00 PM)
DB Lounge 位於中環中心地帶,是專屬於各位校友的淺酌聚腳熱點。DB Lounge 的酒單由專業侍酒師主理,供應各國葡萄酒及精選酒品,並由調酒師特別設計了三款中國茶雞尾酒。美酒以外,酒吧供應一系列精選佐酒小吃, 為會員們的聚會帶來更佳體驗。 DB Lounge 除了適合相約三五知己把酒暢聚,或下班後歡樂時光,逢星期一至五,DB Lounge 亦供應專為上班族而設的快捷午餐,無論菜式選擇及出品均非常用心,務求讓各位會員可於專屬場所,輕鬆地享受優質午餐。
DB Lounge 開放時間
The DB Lounge is located in the heart of Central and serves as a cozy gathering place exclusively for alumni. The lounge's wine list is curated by professional sommeliers and offers a selection of wines from around the world, as well as three specially designed Chinese tea cocktails by mixologists. In addition to fine wines, the bar provides a range of selected snacks to enhance the experience of the members' gatherings. The DB Lounge is not only suitable for casual get-togethers with friends, but also for happy hours after work. From Monday to Friday, the DB Lounge also offers a quick lunch specially designed for office workers. The menu selection and quality of the dishes are meticulously prepared, ensuring that members can enjoy a high-quality lunch in a dedicated space.
DB Lounge Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday, 12:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Last order at 10:00 PM
Bento Express Lunch Service Hours
Monday to Friday, 12:00 PM to 02:30 PM

並加以改良,期望能夠傳承原來的風味之餘, 亦能以新穎的展現方式,宣揚中華文化。
With nearly 20 years of culinary experience,
Chef Lai Ka-wing has worked at prestigious establishments such as the Hong Kong Jockey Club's upscale Chinese restaurant Fortune Room, and a Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant Shang Palace in a five-star hotel. Chef Lai has a deep passion for Chinese cuisine, particularly in researching the origins and recipes of traditional dishes. He aims at preserving the original flavours while presenting them in innovative ways to showcase the beauty of Chinese culture.

1. 包場宴會及租用場地作商務及會議用途均設有最低消費。會員必須提前預約及繳付按金。場地有限,先到先得。
2. 餐廳的所有廂房及 DB Lounge,均可預約用於商務及會議用途。DB Lounge 可容納14人。中菜廳的可容納人數按宴會需求而定,歡迎查詢。
3. 午市包場適用於中菜廳大廳 (不包括廂房及 DB Lounge);晚市則可包全場。為確保各會員能公平使用會所,每個月可供包場的日子設有上限。歡迎聯絡我們查詢。
4. 香港大學校友會旗下屬會如欲租用餐廳場地作定期會議用途,可享折扣優惠,歡迎向我們查詢。
5. 有關宴會及會議相關查詢,包括場地設備,可容納人數及最低消費等,歡迎向我們查詢。
Phone Call or WhatsApp +852 2522 7968
Email : info@hkuaadining.hk
Floorplan 場地平面圖 (Click to view)
Banquets and Meetings The restaurant provides conference facilities and services to meet the needs of members for banquets and business meetings. The following information should be noted:
1. Both private banquets and venue rentals for business and meetings are subject to minimum spending requirements. Members must make advance reservations as the venue is limited and operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Deposit is required.
2. All private rooms in the Chinese restaurant and the DB Lounge are available for reservation for business and meeting purposes. DB Lounge can accommodate 14 pax. The capacity of the Chinese restaurant varies depending on the banquet or event requirements. Enquiries are welcome.
3. Lunchtime private event booking is applicable to Chinese restaurants dining hall (excluding private rooms and DB Lounge); however, dinner private event bookings can include the entire venue. To ensure fair usage of the clubhouse by all members, there is a monthly limit on the number of days available for exclusive bookings. Please feel free to contact us for enquiries.
4. Affiliated associations under the Hong Kong University Alumni Association are eligible for discounted rates when renting restaurant venues for regular meetings. Please feel free to inquire with us for more details.
5. For inquiries regarding banquets and meetings, including venue facilities, seating capacity, and minimum spending requirements, please feel free to contact us anytime.
餐廳接待對像: 餐廳只限香港大學校友會會員使用。用餐及使用當日,會員必須攜同及出示會員卡,並親自出席。
1.會員如欲惠顧中菜廳,或使用餐樓廂房或DB Lounge作會議用途,請先預約 •
2. 為確保餐廳能夠公平而有效率地服務會員,24位或以上的預約或包場活動,會員需要預繳50%按金
3. 會員如欲惠顧DB Lounge,請攜同會員卡入座。坐位有限,先到先得。
1. 從確認到活動前一個月內取消:預計收入的50%
2. 在活動前一個月到一週內取消:預計收入的70%
3. 在活動前一週內取消:總預估費用的100%
4. 未能符合以上取消規則而沒有出席的預約,餐廳會記錄為「缺席」。此記錄將影響該會員往後的預約安排。
1. 自攜餐酒並於餐樓內享用,需收取$150/支(標準分量葡萄酒及清酒)或$300/支(烈酒)開瓶費
2. 自攜蛋糕並於餐樓內享用,需收取$150/個切餅費
3. 請勿於餐樓內享用外來食物
香港大學校友會Life Member 用餐優惠:
1. 堂食用餐可享9折優惠
2. 每個預約可享免3枝開瓶費
3. 免切餅費
東亞銀行香港大學信用卡(畢業生專用) 用餐優惠:
Hong Kong University Alumni Association Restaurant Usage Guidelines:
Restaurant Guest Policy:
The restaurant exclusively caters to members of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association. Members must present their membership cards and be physically present when dining or using the facilities.
Reservations and Seating:
1. Members who wish to dine at the Chinese restaurant or use the private rooms or DB Lounge for meetings should make advance reservations.
2. To ensure fair and efficient service to members, reservations or full venue bookings with 24 or more guests require a 50% deposit.
3. For members dining at the DB Lounge, please present your membership card. Seating is limited and operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
Reservation Cancellations:
1. From confirmation to one months prior to the event : 50% of the expected revenue.
2. Within one months to One Week prior to the event : 70% of the expected revenue.
3. Within one week prior to the event : 100% of total estimate charge.
4. Failure to comply with the cancellation policy and not attending a reservation will be recorded as "absent." This record will impact the member's ability to make future reservation.
Other Matters:
1. A corkage fee of $150 per standard bottle (wine and sake) or $300 per bottle (liquor) will be charged for bringing and consuming own alcohol in the restaurant.
2. A cake-cutting fee of $150 per cake will be charged for bringing and consuming own cake in the restaurant.
3. Outside food is not allowed to be consumed in the restaurant.
Dining Benefits for Hong Kong University Alumni Association Life Members:
1. Enjoy a 10% discount for dine-in meals.
2. Enjoy waived corkage fees for up to three bottles per reservation.
3. Enjoy waived cake-cutting fees.
Dining Benefits for BEA HKU Credit Card (Exclusively for Graduates)
Enjoy a 5% discount on dine-in meals
Operating Arrangements during Typhoon and Extreme Conditions:
The restaurant will remain open with limited service when the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted.
When Extreme Conditions, Typhoon Signal No. 8 or higher is hoisted, the restaurant will be closed.
If Extreme Conditions, Typhoon Signal No. 8 or higher is lowered before 10:00 AM, the restaurant will resume normal operations.
If Extreme Conditions, Typhoon Signal No. 8 or higher is lowered before 3:00 PM, the restaurant will resume dinner operations.
If Extreme Conditions, Typhoon Signal No. 8 or higher is lowered after 3:00 PM, the restaurant's dinner service will be suspended.
Address: Room 101, Yip Fung Building,
2 D'Aguilar Street, Central
Phone Call or WhatsApp +852 2522 7968
Online Reservations